FTA / APSA MEMBERSHIP COST & BENEFIT 2020 / 2021 INDUSTRY’S MOST COST EFFECTIVE CPD / CBC PACKAGES FTA / APSA ADVOCACY PLAN 2020 / 2021 Who does this notice affect? All businesses involved in international trade via Victoria UPDATE 1 – Victorian State of Disaster – implications for international trade Following yesterday’s member notice on the declaration of a ‘State of Disaster’, the Hon Daniel Andrews PM (Victorian Premier) today provided more detail around what these restrictions mean for Victorian business. The Premier’s statement is available HERE PRELIMINARY DETAILS RELEASED Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) representatives joined government and industry colleagues at a teleconference hosted this evening by Freight Victoria – detail from this meeting and associated media releases are summarised below in terms of impacts on members’ operations: a number of workplaces in metropolitan Melbourne are to close or are permitted to conduct restricted operations (effective 11.59 AEST Wednesday 5 August 2020) – a list of permitted industry sectors is set out HERE; retail stores will be permitted to accept stock and operate contactless ‘click and collect’ and delivery services with strict safety protocols in place; confirmation was received that ports, airports, freight and logistics may continue operations – this aligns with the FTA / APSA advocacy position as disseminated in this morning’s member notice and our submission to Premier Andrews – refer HERE; while business continuity in prescribed circumstances is allowed, it is important to note the default position that all Victorians are required to work from home, except where this is not practicable; and those members that will continue onsite operations to physically handle freight, must do so in accordance with a ‘COVIDSafe Plan’ (effective 11.59 AEST Friday 7 August 2020) with employees to be in possession of appropriate permits – MORE DETAIL TO FOLLOW POTENTIAL ESCALATION Today’s commentary from Premier Andrews makes the following reference ‘But what is clear is that if we don’t do this now, if this doesn’t work, then we’ll need a much longer list of complete shutdowns. It’s hard to imagine what a Stage 5 might look like.’ In response, FTA / APSA will continue our ‘essential services’ advocacy in the coming weeks and months in the event that the Victorian Government is forced to take further draconian measures. FURTHER INFORMATION While the above detail may answer some questions, it will no doubt generate many more. Please do not hesitate to send inquiries direct to me at pzalai@FTAlliance.com.au – we will look to respond ASAP and will consolidate responses at a dedicated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) site available HERE Paul Zalai – Director and Co-Founder, FTA / Secretariat, APSA |
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