
Daily Update From CBAFF

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CBAFF Member Communication13 August 2020
Hi Paul

Please see below the latest member updates and notifications received by CBAFF.


CBAFF Administration Team
IN THIS EMAIL >  NZ Customs Level 3 Update >  NZ Customs: Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown Alert Levels on essential services that NZ Customs will maintain >  Police control of Auckland roads >  MoT: Supply Chain Covid Update >  Port of Tauranga: Covid update >  Port of Tauranga: Weekly Update
CBAFF Updates
NZ Customs Level 3 Update
Received 12 August, 3.30pm

Attached is a PDF document covering the COVID19 Level 3 updates as per our website.
The main changes relate to our Public Counters and the processing of Carnets & CITES permits under Level 3. Detailed advice on these changes are in the document, including hyperlinks to our website
This information is also available on our website:  https://www.customs.govt.nz/covid-19/
NZ Customs: Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown Alert Levels on essential services that NZ Customs will maintain
Received 12 August, 3.28pm

Click here for letter from Border Operations Group, NZ Customs
Police control of Auckland roads
Received 12 August, 3.31pm

Click here for the RTF update.
MoT: Supply Chain Covid Update
Received 12 August, 5.23pm

As you know New Zealand’s COVID-19 Alert Levels changed at 12 noon today, Wednesday 12 August.
Auckland is now in Alert Level 3. The rest of New Zealand is now in Alert Level 2.
Presently there are no restrictions on freight and all goods can move between the regions. With Auckland entering Alert Level 3, Police have established road checkpoints. There are nine checkpoints at exit points just inside the regional boundaries, largely based on the Auckland Super City boundaries. Freight operators are permitted to move between Auckland and other regions.
We are aware of long queues at some checkpoints. We recommend that you and your operators allow extra time within your trip planning to avoid queues as best you can. The Police are working to get these checkpoints operating as efficiently as possible but some disruption and congestion is inevitable especially in the initial stages. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this period.
Drivers should carry a letter from their employer stating they are providing an essential business or service and that they need to travel for this. It is advisable to also carry a business card, or work ID.
Remember when travelling to and from regions, follow the official COVID-19 advice: keep your distance from other people in public wash your hands sneeze and cough into your elbow keep a track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen wear a face covering where social distancing is not possible public facilities including restrooms can be used during these essential journeys without the need for further precautions other than the health measures mentioned above. Read more information about https://covid19.govt.nz/covid-19/restrictions/current-alert-level/
For all of the latest Alert Level transport guidance and information on the Ministry of Transport’s webpage: https://www.transport.govt.nz/about/covid-19/.
Harriet Shelton
Manager, Supply Chain
Ministry of Transport
Port of Tauranga: Covid update
Received 12 August, 4.27pm

Port of Tauranga has implemented extensive measures to keep safe our people, trade and the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the move to Alert Level 2, here is an update of our enhanced safety and hygiene practices: Interaction between work groups should be minimised. All port workers should maintain two metres distance where possible, and at least one metre with close workmates. If that’s not possible, PPE should be worn. Shared vehicles and equipment should be cleaned often. Vessels remain subject to the enhanced border control measures administered by government agencies . Please follow distancing instructions at the Tauranga Container Terminal and Mount Maunganui administration building Receptions . The use of e-gate transactions is advised and we will control the number of drivers allowed in the Terminal R&D Reception at any one time . Drivers arriving outside their VBS window should wait in their vehicle. Please remember to wash hands frequently, keep track of your movements and stay away from the Port if you are unwell.


Leonard Sampson
Chief Operating Officer
Port of Tauranga Limited     
Port of Tauranga: Weekly Update
Received 13 August, 8.11am

TEU Capacity percentage – Imports at normal levels.
VBS/E-Gate challenges – No VBS issues.
Access Issues –  There is still a diversion on North Road due to the demolition of Shed 11. Please ensure drivers are vigilant around this area with temporary roadways and demolition related traffic entering/exiting the Shed 11 fenced off area. Please adhere to the normal 10kph speed around the Shed 11 loop and be aware of these and other vehicles.
Please ensure new/expired drivers complete the on line Port Site induction prior to coming on site https://www.port-tauranga.co.nz/health-safety/port-inductions/ especially important again now we are in Covid level 2.
General information –
Safety Reminder – Covid level 2 – we are reintroducing the 3 person limit in the TCT R&D for drivers and strongly encouraging transporters to use E-gate to help reduce face to face contact to keep everyone safe. For more information on signing up to E-gate email vanessab@port-tauranga.co.nz . Follow government guidelines around hygiene practices and if your drivers are unwell, please have them stay at home.
DG Process Reminder – Please ensure DG paperwork is emailed to TCTR&D@port-tauranga.co.nz ahead of the container arriving at TCT with the container number in the subject line of the email.
Alan Kirkpatrick
Terminal Logistics Manager
Port of Tauranga Limited         

Published by the Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation of New Zealand Inc., PO Box 34-149, Birkenhead, Auckland City 0746, 64 9 419 0019, admin@cbaff.org.nz, www.cbaff.org.nz. Contact our office if you wish to be added to our mailing list. If you no longer wish to receive email updates please use the “unsubscribe” function below. Copyright © CBAFF 2020. All rights reserved. The information contained in this email is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. Thank you.

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